Doug Lemov's field notes

Reflections on teaching, literacy, coaching, and practice.

11.28.17Some Videos To Go With My ‘Podogogy’ Interview

Had a great conversation with Jon Severs recently on TES’ Podogogy podcast and the interview airs tomorrow 11.29. (6am UK time).  Lots of great question with a particular focus on Systems and Routines–for both both academics behaviors.

While I haven’t listened to it yet, I am happy to say I remember the interview- sometimes, when your schedule is really bad, you have to start with little victories.  Also I remember thinking it was a good one- lively and fun and serious- a real pot-boiler.

Plus Jon reports that I said edgy, dangerous sounding things like:

“We get angry at students because we say ‘pay attention’ and then they don’t do what we asked them to – and then we shout at them – but in fact it is not clear whether anyone has actually taught them what it means to pay attention to someone in the classroom. Those [mundane] habits of discipline, knowing the right way of doing something, are critical to all the more sublime education outcomes that we seek.”


In the course of the interview I mentioned a few videos. I’m going to post them here so listeners have lots of ways to watch them and enjoy the incredible skills of the teachers, Jessica Bracey and Maggie Johnson.

Anyway you can listen in here:

Here’s Jessica’s clip…where I discuss, among other things, the influence of her routines:

EA.EverybodyWrites.GR5.Bracey.’Listen things have changed.’Clip1792 from TLAC Blog on Vimeo.

And here’s Maggie’s clip, which i allude to at the end when discussing Wait Time.

EA.WaitTime.GR8.Johnson.’Focus on why.’Clip2017 from TLAC Blog on Vimeo.

Happy listening and feel free to share any comments below.




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