Doug Lemov's field notes

Reflections on teaching, literacy, coaching, and practice.

03.15.16Little Things: A Postcard from a Friend

A friend is spending the day observing training with Habitat for Humanity International.

She notes:

When they present certain PD sessions,  they provide each participant a stamped envelope at the beginning to be addressed.   At the end,  they give the participants a note card.  They ask them to write on the front the key takeaways they learned from the session.  On the back,  they write their action plan ( in one or two sentences)  as to how they will use what they learned.   They then instruct them to put the card in the envelope,  seal it, and hand it in to the presenter.   The presenter then explains that in the coming weeks,  the envelope with be mailed to them and they will be able to see if they actually completed their action plan,  or it can be a prompt to complete it.

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